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What Becomes of a Society That Kills Babies

Infanticide has been the norm within many cultures throughout history. Child sacrifice to ancient deities and spirits was quite mutual during ancient times. Anthropologist Laila Williamson observes has been practiced on every continent and past people on every level of cultural complexity, from hunter gatherers to loftier civilizations. Rather than being an exception, so, information technology has been the rule"

Williamson, Laila (1978). "Infanticide: an anthropological analysis". in Kohl, Marvin. Infanticide and the Value of Life. NY: Prometheus Books. pp. 61–75.


Most times in Asia and Europe, families would just abandon their babies to dice of hypothermia, hunger, thirst or an creature attack.Boswell, John Eastburn (1984). "Exposition and oblation: the abandonment of children and the ancient and medieval family". American Historical Review 89 (1): x–33.

Ancient Greece & Rome

The Greeks considered infanticide barbaric, but instead of outright killing their babies, they skillful exposure Hughes, Dennis D. (1991). Human Sacrifice in Aboriginal Hellenic republic. Routledge. pp. 187.. Exposure would be simply leaving the was non considered murder because a passerby or a God could take pity on the child and salve it Knapp, A. Bernard. Prehistoric and protohistoric Republic of cyprus : identity, insularity, and connectivity . Oxford: Oxford Press, 2008..
In Rome, exposure was common, in a letter from a man to his wife during 1 BC he says:
     "I am still in Alexandria. … I beg and plead with yous to accept care of our picayune child, and every bit soon as we receive wages, I will send them to yous. In the concurrently, if (good fortune to you!) you requite birth, if it is a boy, let it live; if it is a girl, expose it." Naphtali, Lewis, ed (1985). "Papyrus Oxyrhynchus 744". Life in Egypt Under Roman Rule. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 54..

Some other option would be to take the kid to the family patriarch and they would decide whether the kid should be killed or left to exposure. Usually babies with birth defects were killed. By 374 AD infanticide was illegal in Rome, but offenders were rarely always prosecuted.Radbill, Samuel X. (1974). "A history of child abuse and infanticide". in Steinmetz, Suzanne K. and Murray A. Straus. Violence in the Family. NY: Dodd, Mead; Co.. pp. 173–179.

Pagan European Tribes

German tribes also expert a similar exposure to unwanted children. Many were left in the forest without food….this was especially common for children born out of wedlock.Boswell, John (1988). The Kindness of Strangers. NY: Vintage Books


Christianity abhorred infanticide. In Apostles it was written, "You shall not kill that which is born" Robinson, J. Armitage (translator), ed (1920). "Didache". Barnabas, Hermar and the Didache. D.ii.2c. NY: The MacMillan Co.. pp. 112.. In 318 AD Constantine I felt that infanticide was a crime. In 374 AD Valentinian stated that people must rear all children. The Council of Constantinople issued that infanticide was murder and in 589 AD the Third Council of Toledo worked on ending the Castilian custom of killing their children Radbill, Samuel X. (1974). "A history of child abuse and infanticide". in Steinmetz, Suzanne K. and Murray A. Straus. Violence in the Family. NY: Dodd, Mead; Co.. pp. 173–179..

Eye Ages

Child sacrifice was common amongst the Gauls, Celts, and Irish. "They would kill their piteous wretched offspring with much wailing and peril, to cascade their blood around Crom Cruaich", a deity of pre-Christian IrelandDorson, Richard (1968). Peasant Customs and Savage Myths: Selections from the British Folklorists. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. pp. 351.
Merely soon abandoning children on the doorsteps of churches and abbeys became more common than exposure. This gave nascence to the worlds start orphanages.

Center East

In the Qur'an infanticide is forbidden. Merely before Islam, infanticide was practiced every bit "postal service partum nativity command. Infanticide was skillful either out of destitution (thus practiced on males and females alike), or as sacrifices to gods, or as "disappointment and fright of social disgrace felt by a father upon the birth of a daughter". Edited by Jane Dammen McAuliffe et al., Encyclopaedia of Qur'an 1st Edition., five vols. plus index., Leiden: Brill Publishers, 2001-2006, ISBN 90-04-14743-8


Marco Polo wrote about seeing many babies exposed in Mani Polo, Marco (1965). The Travels. Middlesex: Penguin Books. pp. 174.. Sex selective infanticide was common in Mainland china . Han Fei Tzu, a Chinese philosopher in the third century BC wrote that
"As to children, a father and mother when they produce a male child congratulate one another, simply when they produce a daughter they put it to death"Yu-Lan, Fung (1952). A History of Chinese Philosophy. Princeton: Princeton Academy Printing. pp. 327. .
Many Chinese tribes practiced infanticide by putting the baby into a bucked of cold water, called "baby h2o" ao, Esther S. Lee (1983). Chinese Women: Past and Present. Mesquite: Ide House. pp. 75. .
The 2006 edition of a volume by 2 prominent historians stated that fifty-fifty by now, in China, infanticide seemed more than likely for a girl than a boy.John King Fairbank and Merle Goldman: China: A New History. Second Enlarged Edition. Cambridge, MA and London, England, p.18.


Infanticide was chosen "mabiki" which means to pull plants from an overcrowded garden. Mabiki was even so good in the 19th and early on 20th centuries.Vaux, Kenneth (1989). Birth Ethics. NY: Crossroad. pp. 12.


Female Infanticide was mutual in India . Parents frequently threw their children into the Ganges River as a sacrificial offering. This practice could not be stopped until the early on 19th century.Davies, Nigel (1981). Man Sacrifice. NY: William Morrow Co.

Women and African Economical Development

Children were killed if they were believed to have brought bad luck. And then more than oftentimes than no, twins were murdered because they were considered to exist bad omens. Also if a parent died during childbirth, the babe would exist buried alive. Basden, G.T. (1996). Niger Ibos. NY: Barnes; Noble. pp. 180–184, 262–263.

Why do people practice Infanticide?

Cultural prejudices and practices are hard to interruption and looking back into history it is easy to see why the killing of children has been considered normal.

Usually it has been because of economical bug. In times of famine, families would do infanticide. Due to cultural norms where the need for a son a paramount, daughters are considered a burden because they cannot support families as easily equally sons tin can. A girl can be a liability and for poverty stricken families the price of a daughter in regards to a dowry can be also much. Every bit one Indian proverb states: "Having a daughter is like watering your neighbors garden".

Every bit of today, with advanced engineering of abortions, and ultra sounds to determine the sex of a kid…it has become easy and efficient to cease a pregnancy before birth.

The need that families have for boys is poignant, and when discovering that they're soon to exist baby volition be a daughter…abortions or can infanticide occurs. 21st century engineering science plus old-fashioned beliefs practice not mix well together. At that place has been an abuse of this applied science resulting in the infanticide and abortions of female girls.

Laws will not be as effective. In order to be successful there must be a cultural revolution of some sort to put females in a respected role of order, so that this infanticide of females no longer occurs.


See Likewise

  • Gendercide in China
  • One kid policy
  • Missing Women


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